Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Notes for the Revolution

So Mike said "you all talk, if you aint bustin nothin, you aint about no Revolution". I looked at him for a second and sadly realized he thought he was dropping some deep truth. A Revolution is a process it is not an event. One reason the Revolution will not be televised is that it aint that entertaining, its just not as dramatic as some would like it to be. It don't happen overnight and a real Revolutionary must be committed to it 24/7 for life.

The Revolution needs 3 things: a political Party, a path towards its desired goals and cadre faithful to the path.

Every Revolution has a common ideology--uncompromising principles, a conception of the desirable woman/man and society, and philosophical, religious, economic, political, social, and moral theories and rules of behavior. Ideology is total. All thoughts and behaviors fall either within or outside the acceptable range of a given ideology.

The job of a Revolutionary Party is to ideologically train the People and gain conscious adherents to a Revolutionary ideology. Ideological training not only changes the way one thinks. If one truly adheres to an ideology, this is reflected in their action. Ideological training and Revolutionary Practice lead to a Revolutionary consciousness.

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