Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beautiful Struggle

Oh I got caught up in this conversation about whether we should focus on struggle or whether this actually created struggle and what happens after the Revolution with one of these subjective reality types(which I am to some extent). She wanted us to all get on a higher plane than this material reality.

Yo, struggle is beautiful. All the most beautiful people I know are/have been strugglers-constant strugglers. Too many of us have fallen victim to this idea that we must somehow escape struggle, find "peace" in this world. Reach a stage beyond struggle. In fact, these non-strugglers have become coopted by the very forces they use to rail against(What up Roots!). There is no "after the Revolution". The Revolution is not an event, it is a process. It is a "state of being and becoming". It is a way of life, it is a journey not a destination.

I never want to be comfortable, never want to feel i've "made it". I appreciate development and know "without struggle there is no progress". If we want progress, we must want struggle! Capitalism teaches us to want progress without struggle, to want results without having to work for it. It makes us lazy. It is easier to go along with everyone else and only see life as it is rather than how it could be or should be. It seeks to make us unconscious and just reactive rather than proactive and progressive.

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