Monday, October 6, 2008

The death of an empire

Dam, I hate to sound like Chicken Little but the American imperialism is falling! American imperialism is falling! Here are my top ten signs that you can slow down the Revolution, but it can't be stopped.

10. Castro retired

This might sound like a bad thing, but for him to consistently spit in the face of American imperialism from only 90 miles away and not die a "premature death" and the Cuban people haven't suffered a coup means imperialism is definitely dying.

9. NYPD pig kills himself out of "guilt" of killing someone

what? i'm serious I can't make this story up. A pig kills himself out of "guilt", sounds oxymoronic, but I say it's a sign of the times.

8. Mugabe is still in power

Imperialism started calling for regime change as soon as it realized he actually wanted to give the People the land. They propped up a puppet opposition, they called for U.N. sanctions. They put pressure on other members of the AU to denounce him. It was starting to look like the same script was being played out again, but after all that he's still there.

7. Voting in America is at less than 50% of the electorate

Some of you might say this is a good thing for imperialism and it's definitely in their interest to keep the masses ignorant and apathetic. At the same time though, one of the tools of imperialism is keeping the People invested in the system and propagating the lie that it is their interest. Right now, more than half the people aren't that invested in this empire. That's a sign of an empire on the decline.

6. The Patriot Act

As empires start to decline, they become more reactionary in futile attempts at staving off the inevitable rise of the People. They lose all pretense of freedom and democracy and become more and more fascist. I present you exhibit A.

5. The weakening of the dollar

The modern day empire is not just about military might, but more importantly is economic might. The dollar has been used as the currency on the world market and put America in a pretty powerful position, but that's all changing. American debt is rising, the price of everything in America is rising and the People are getting restless.

4. America is losing wars in Iraq & Afghanistan

America's mission of imposing its culture and democracy on the world just aint as easy as it used to be. The People are fighting back and America is being exposed for what it is.

3. America has sanctioned torture

When torture by the US is sanctioned in places like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, the veneer of American moral authority is ripped off for all to see and the hypocrisy is laid bare, this can only mean one thing. Imperialism is on its last legs and is making one last dying grasp at the reigns of power.

2. Both "major" candidate endorse a bailout for the capitalist class.

The majority of the people have to worry about things like rising gas prices, unemployment, healthcare, social security, home foreclosures and both "major" candidates choose to bailout the people that most would lay the blame on for this economic crisis. Never has the real interest of democratic/republican parties been on such naked display. As they close rank, it can only mean one thing: we are witnessing the death knells of the American empire.

1. American might have a "black" President

This is the number one sign that the end is near. That alone should be enough to convince you that imperialism is getting pretty desperate. What if he does win? Does that make imperialism all good now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why is your last blog update over a month ago?

"The characteristic of genuine heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, and do not try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be common, nor the common heroic" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson